Tuesday, January 15, 2008

How did “Hellenistic culture start?”

Hellenistic culture started when King Phillip the II starts to conquer every small city-state. He is successful because the small city states had small armies. He wins because of also his genius ness. He first marries the daughter of the king that he is about to attack so when he attacks he takes the King’s daughter so the king has to surrender. King Phillip the II died by one of his own body guards stabbing him in the chest when he was walking ahead of them because of his daughters wedding.

After the death of King Phillip the II his son Alexander known as Alexander the Great takes over. He wants to accomplish what his father started but never finished. He starts taking over all the cities including Egypt, Persia and all the way to India. Alexander the Great fought many wars but one of his most famous one was when he fought the Persians. This was important because he made a siege tower which was a major invent at that time.

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